Love GuestRevu? Then leave us a review to win!

Review GuestRevu and you could find a chocolate hamper on your doorstep!*


At GuestRevu, we pride ourselves on being able to help our clients find insights in reviews from their customers, but we sometimes forget to ask our own clients for their feedback on us.

The time has come for us to ask all of our customers to give us their honest reviews on Hotel Tech Report. What do you love about GuestRevu, how has it helped you, and how can we continue to improve?

Review us on Hotel Tech Report

Because we know how valuable reviews are, we have decided that we should offer you a little something in return for your time. If you write a review about GuestRevu on Hotel Tech Report, we will enter you in a draw to win a wonderful chocolate hamper as a token of our appreciation.

Remember to come back to this post and post a comment so we know it was you, as all reviews on Hotel Tech report are anonymous. We will arrange for the hamper to be delivered to the address of the winner's choice.


*This offer expired on 30 November 2017. 


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