GuestRevu a top place to work in 2019

We’ve often written about the importance of staff members in making sure that your guests are happy, treated well, and ready to come back to you again and again. Knowing how important it is to provide a positive working environment for your staff makes it all that more meaningful for us as we announce that GuestRevu is one of the top ten best places to work in hotel tech in 2019.




What makes us one of the best places to work

We think of GuestRevu not just as a company, but as a family that’s made up of our staff members, partners, customers and subscribers. Our staff are like big brothers and sisters, there to listen, to advise, and to teach both our clients and each other. They may be spread across the globe, from South Africa to the UK, but like family members who are far apart, that doesn’t stop them from chattering on Skype, Slack and Google Hangouts, sharing their latest news, revelling in successes and sympathising with the seasonal weather (and market) changes.

This extends beyond our staff members themselves to their family and loved ones. GuestRevu is the kind of company where a 9-year old boy will waltz in, greet everyone, and proceed to either sit comfortably doing his homework, or discuss his latest projects with the CEO. It’s the kind of company that rallies together with support for personal difficulties, and with celebrations for new additions (we’ve had more than our share over the past few years!)

Our policy of openness extends beyond the lack of walls to separate desks and departments (we opt instead for open spaces and collaboration between teams) and incorporates an attitude of acceptance for others’ opinions. Not only do we value the input of our staff members, co-founders Chris and Francine go out of their way to garner that input, whether it’s through weekly OfficeVibe questionnaires, or through regular one-on-ones with team members.




What it means to us

To be recognised alongside companies like Mews, Cloudbeds and Clock, who we know first-hand put company culture first, is a breathtaking achievement. We know that customers don’t invest in companies, but in people — which is why we’re also proud to have been voted as number five in Hotel Tech Awards’ 2019 People’s Choice category. While we may not be able to offer on-site gyms and cafeterias like some companies, it means the world to us that we are providing a work environment where our staff members can feel at home, where they can share with their teammates, and where we can grow together, both as individuals, and as a company.

What it means for you

Being recognised as a top place to work is a huge achievement, but it’s not just an ornament on a mantle — pretty to look at, meaningful to its owner, but otherwise pointless. It means that whether you’re a client, a subscriber, or a stranger, you can know that when you speak to GuestRevu, you are not just a number in a queue — you become part of something bigger, part of the GuestRevu family. So, on behalf of everyone, welcome to the family!

