Memes – the cure for everything except COVID

If you’ve been working in the hospitality industry before and during COVID-19, chances are you have a fantastic sense of humour, a tonne of patience and the best back up fake smile for those special kinds of guests. At least now that you’re having to wear a face mask, no one can see if you’re smiling or not!


Since so many hospitality professionals have managed to keep a sense of humour going through these tough times, we thought that it would be a great idea to look back at some of the memes we have seen this year and get them to tell the story of 2020 (so far).

We all started 2020 like any other year...

via MEME

Then the world heard about the Coronavirus

And it had serious implications for all of us in the industry

People started to get quarantined, sometimes in pretty unusual circumstances

And those who were still on holiday got to experience a new look in holiday snapshots

Then the panic started

And people were asked to work from home

This meant our amazing industry ground to an abrupt halt as travel plans were cancelled

Reception teams could perfect the art of …

Some properties managed to keep their doors open for essential workers

Meanwhile, marketing teams were strategising about what to do when lockdowns lifted

Places opened up for takeaways so they could have at least some form of revenue coming in

Meanwhile, travellers sat at home thinking should they book now or …?

Finally, hospitality businesses started to open again – with restrictions in place

As an industry, though, we did realise


We may still face uncertain times ahead while we wait for international borders to open and we start to get back to normal occupancy rates, but, as an industry we stick together and make the best of every situation. I am so proud to be part of the hospitality industry!