GuestRevu Is Top Hotel Tech According To User Reviews

We’re thrilled to announce that our clients have helped us to reach the #1 spots in both the Guest Feedback and Reputation Management categories on Hotel Tech Report!




As you know, feedback is one of the most valuable tools that any business has at its disposal when it comes to providing stellar customer service. And of course, helping hospitality professionals to get feedback from their guests and patrons, and keep track of the reviews that they are getting online, is what we are passionate about at GuestRevu.

This time around, though, the people who mean the most to us, our amazing clients themselves, have used their feedback to help us!



We could not have done this alone and would like to extend our thanks to every single one of our clients for voicing your opinions and giving us the feedback that we need to grow as a company. Thanks also goes to our partners, without whom we would not be able to provide the automated solution that so many of our clients love, and to the team who have gone above and beyond to provide customer service that exceeds all expectations.


Not only could your feedback help us get one step closer to winning the Hotel Tech Awards (which are still underway), but we would also like to know what you think of our solution. If you haven’t left us a review yet on Hotel Tech Report, we would greatly appreciate it if you could find five minutes to let us know what you love about GuestRevu, and how we can improve.

Want to see what all the fuss is about? Click on the banner below to book a personalised demo of GuestRevu with one of our consultants.

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