Meet up with GuestRevu on the Go

GuestRevu, a leading provider of guest feedback and online reputation management solutions for the hospitality industry, is thrilled to announce the launch of GuestRevu On the Go. This exciting initiative comes on the heels of significant growth and achievements within the company, including the introduction of GuestRevu LITE, winnings the HotelTechAwards for the 5th year, the introduction of the GuestRevu GREAT Awards, and groundbreaking integrations with industry partners.

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GuestRevu On the Go exemplifies the company's dedication to leading industry trends, embracing technological advancements, and nurturing relationships with valued clients and partners. By taking to the road, GuestRevu aims to directly engage with stakeholders, forging meaningful connections and gaining insights into their evolving needs and challenges.

"As a company dedicated to empowering hospitality businesses with actionable guest feedback, we recognise the importance of staying connected with our clients, partners, and industry leaders," said Chris Alexandre, CEO at GuestRevu. "The GuestRevu On the Go programme allows us to do just that by bringing our team directly to the people who matter most to us, and - meeting them where they are."

The GuestRevu team will attend various events across the United Kingdom, Europe and Africa, offering opportunities for face-to-face meetings, networking, and knowledge sharing. To view the list of upcoming events and stay updated on each event's details, visit the GuestRevu On the Go page. Additionally, followers can keep an eye on GuestRevu's Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram channels for real-time updates and insights from the road.

"We're excited to embark on this journey and connect with our clients, partners, and industry peers in person," added Paul Griffiths, Head of Sales at GuestRevu. "We invite everyone to join us on the road, and we look forward to seeing familiar faces and forging new connections along the way."

To book a meeting with a GuestRevu team member at an upcoming event or inquire about GuestRevu On the Go, please contact us via our On the Go page.

About GuestRevu
GuestRevu provides award-winning guest feedback and online reputation management tools tailor-made for the hospitality industry, enabling hoteliers worldwide to gain a deeper, guest-focused understanding of operational strengths and weaknesses, monitor and manage their online reputation and reviews, and improve guest satisfaction. Listening to and learning from guests enables hoteliers to drive more direct bookings, build lasting loyalty and ultimately increase revenue. As a Tripadvisor Platinum Review Collection Partner, GuestRevu also gives clients the opportunity to boost their online reviews and ratings on the world’s largest review site.


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