Shortlist for the 2017 Boutique Hotel Guest Experience Awards announced
The data collection period for the 2017 Boutique...
Insights, best practices and news from the accommodation and tourism industry.
Entries are now open and some fantastic hotels have already entered. What are you waiting for?
The data collection period for the 2017 Boutique...
Kevin Charity, Founder and CEO of the Coaching Inn Group, has proven his hospitality industry acumen by growing one of the most successful hospitality groups in the UK, but he’s not stopping there. Having just concluded an investment in...
The path to purchase for travellers is not as straightforward as it used to be – they may begin with Googling your region, a popular local attraction or even a conference venue rather than your city or part of town, or they might know your...
We’ve seen it coming for years, and it’s finally official – research has shown that mobile is now the preferred medium for visitors interacting with travel websites and booking holidays.
WTM Africa is one of the highlights of the continent’s hospitality calendar, bringing together thought leaders in the African hospitality industry for three days of networking, talks and exhibitions in Cape Town, South Africa.
We live in a world where almost every person owns a mobile phone and instant messaging has become a communication priority, and where an email can look to grab between a 10% to 20% open rate, but text messages are almost always viewed and...
Many hoteliers tend to think pre-stay communication isn’t really that important – the guest has booked, their business is secured, the real focus comes while they’re actually at the hotel. Right?
Updated February 2020Budgets in hospitality are always tight, and hoteliers, restaurateurs and other hospitality professionals constantly find themselves asking, “do I need to pay for this, or will the free version work just fine?”. Your...
New generations are coming of age, others are entering retirement, people’s opinions on what makes for a good work-life balance, and what a “good life” and “health” mean, are changing. These changes in society affect marketers in all...
In the modern hospitality industry, finding new ways to make guests stays at your hotel memorable experiences is essential for survival. One tactic that many hoteliers are embracing is personalisation.